GPS-derived velocity and strain fields around Dome Argus,Antarctica

来源 :2014中国极地科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mir_lww0
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  The knowledge of surface topography, velocity field and strain field at an ice-core site are critical to the accurate interpretation of the ice-core records in a region such as Dome Argus, where a Chinese deep ice-core drilling project is being carried out.We produce a precise surface digital elevation model around Dome Argus from measurements of Global Positioning System (GPS) at 47 sites in January 2013.We identify two peaks in Dome Argus, with the northern peak about 7 cm higher than the southern peak.Repeated GPS measurements at 12 sites in 2008 and 2013 result in a surface velocity field around Dome Argus.The surface velocity speeds range from 3.1±2.6 to 29.4±1.2 cm a-1, with a mean of 11.1±2.4 cm a-1.
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