Effective Preconditioning for Ab Initio Ground State Energy Minimization with Non-Orthogonal Localiz

来源 :第七届国际理论化学、分子模拟和生命科学研讨会暨科学计算和模拟软件发展平台学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaohui1590
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  Nonorthogonal localized molecular orbital (NOLMO) is the most localized representation of electronic degrees of freedom.As such,NOLMOs are thus potentially most efficient for linear-scaling calculations of electronic structures for large systems.However,direct ab initio calculations with NOLMO has not been fully implemented and widely used,partly because of the slow convergence issue in the optimization of NOLMO.Toward realizing the potential of NOLMO for large systems,we applied an energy minimum variational principle for carrying out ab initio self-consistent-field (SCF) calculations with NOLMOs.We developed an effective preconditioning approach using the diagonal part of the second order derivatives and show that the convergence of the energy optimization is significantly improved.The speed of convergence of the energy and density are comparable with that of the conventional SCF approach,thus paving the way to the optimization of NOLMO in linear scaling calculations for large systems.
美国联邦政府在营养与健康的领域里采取了一个重大步骤,发表了改善美国人的饮食习惯,保证人们健康的七条原則: 1.食品要多样化。 2.保持适当的体重。 3.要避免过多的脂肪、
【摘 要】在高等数学中,证明不等式问题对学生来说是重点难点,该问题也是考研的热门题型,证明不等式方法很多,本文将利用分析的方法归纳出一套证明不等式的模式化方法,并总结出根据不同题型的特点选擇不同解法的要点,从而使复杂的各种不等式证明问题有规律可循,该方法也大大提高了考研学生在这部分题型中的得分率。  【关键词】不等式;拉格朗日中值定理;柯西中值定理;泰勒中值定理  在各种中值定理证明不等式的问题中
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