CE-OP06:Interactions between Students' Content Knowledge and Question Type

来源 :第13届亚洲化学大会(13th Asian Chemical Congress) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maruijun
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  Chemical structures and bonds are repeatedly used to explain and rationalise the physical and chemical properties of the elements and their compounds.These concepts are first introduced in secondary school along with simple models and are then further elaborated and extended upon at both the secondary and tertiary levels.However, it was noticed that many of the senior students had difficulty with questions that require the taught information in a different sequential order to that in which it was taught.The aim of this study was to evaluate how the senior chemistry students respond to direct questions and questions that require part of the information required in the direct question.
  The Teaching Innovation of middle school Chemistry curriculum in Shanghai not only inherits and develops the distinguished traditional education thoughts of
  Visualization skills are essential tools that could accelerate learning and promote scientific understanding.There are many topics in chemistry which requir
目的 介绍心通胶囊的制备方法 、质量控制及临床应用方法 采用部分药材粉碎,部分药材加水煎煮,将滤液浓缩成稠膏,然后将粉与膏混合制成含部分药材原粉的硬胶囊剂,选取2019年1
目的 观察于骨科人工关节置换病人护理中应用优质护理的效果.方法 研究共纳入62例观察对象,均为2018年7月到2020年3月在本医院骨科接受人工关节置换术的病人,以随机抽签结果
目的:探究早期康复运动在 ICU机械通气患者中的应用价值分析.方法:选取从 2018 年 9 月-2019 年 8 月收治于我院重症医学科的 82 例 ICU 机械通气患者作为研究对象,随机分成
每天多关心一下亲人,多给同学一次帮助,多看一眼明媚的阳光和翠绿的小草,去从中感受爱与热情带来的充实和快乐, 这就是安徽肥东县六家畈中学谭海美同学每天的生活。谭海美同