Thermal stress analysis and structural design of AlxGa1-xN/GaN epilayers based on Si substrate

来源 :第十一届中国国际半导体照明论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoquan1234
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  Growth of GaN on Si substrate is a popular topic due to its good thermal conductivity,low cost,easy to obtain large size.However,it is still difficult to achieve GaN on Si substrate with high quality because of the large lattice mismatch and thermal mismatch.In this paper,thermal stress analysis of GaN epilayers grown on Si substrate with AlxGa1-xN interlayers has been investigated theoretically.A finite element model based on coupled field was established to analyze and design high quality GaN epilayers grown on Si substrate with thin variable composition graded AlxGa1-xN interlayers.
倘若不是亲眼目睹,谁也会难以置信这样的事实: 国家重点建设工程的广东沙角、江苏常熟和上海外高桥30万千瓦/台火力发电厂锅炉钢架在这里诞生…… 我国三大电站锅炉企业上海
养生方法多种多样,但选对时机却可以事半功倍。  一天中,从早晨、上午、下午、傍晚到夜晚,分别应该遵循“慢”、“动”、“润”、“暖”、“松”这五个养生字诀。  早晨“慢”养生  慢起床、慢排尿。慢起床要做到3个3分钟。在平仰卧的状态下,将手掌搓热后“干洗脸”1分钟。然后,慢慢坐起来,用手指梳头100下,持续2~3分钟,再静坐2~3分钟。其次要慢慢排尿。因为膀胱排空容易引起头晕,甚至出现排尿性晕厥。 
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