The First Observed Cloud Echoes and Microphysical Parameter Retrievals by China's 94-GHz Cloud

来源 :第31届中国气象学会年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raul2008
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  Using the first successful cloud echoes observed by Chinas indigenous 94-GHz SKY cloud radar,the macrostructure and microphysical parameters of stratocumulus clouds with drizzle in the Anhui province on 8 June 2013 are analysed.Additionally,the detection ability of the SKY cloud radar is discussed.The results are as follows: (1)the SKY radar can observe the time-varying macroscopic and microphysical parameters of clouds,and it can reveal the microscopic structure and small-scale changes of clouds.(2) The velocity spectrum width of cloud droplets is small,but the spectrum width of the cloud containing the cloud droplets and drizzle is large.When the spectral width is more than 0.4 ms-1,the radar reflectivity factor is usually larger (over-10 dBZ).(3) The radars sensitivity is comparatively higher because the minimum radar reflectivity factor is about-35 dBZ in this experiment;the threshold for the radar reflectivity factor to detect the LDR of stratus is commonly-11 to-14 dBZ and should decrease with increasing turbulence.(4) In the case of distinguishing the cloud droplets from the drizzle,the cloud liquid water content and particle effective radius are retrieved.The liquid water content of drizzle is lower than that of cloud droplets at the same radar reflectivity factor.
本文通过对水基杀虫剂的有效成分筛选,对其毒力、质量标准进行测定,证实本品配方成分之间配伍和工艺的可行性。 In this paper, the effective components of water-based i