Risk profiles for metabolic syndrome and its transition patterns for the elderly in Beijing, 1992-20

来源 :首都医科大学公共卫生学院第三届研究生学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xielinyun
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  Purpose: There have been few reports on the development of metabolic disorders,especially when they are considered as a cluster.The purpose of this study was to deserve risk profiles for metabolic syndrome (MetS) in elderly dwellers in Beijing, and to find their transition patterns over time.Data were derived from Beijing Longitudinal Study of Aging, a community-based-cohort study hosted by Xuanwu hospital.There were 3,257 elderly people aged 55 years or over recruited in 1992.MetS was assessed for the years 1992, 2000 and 2009.Finally, 363 subjects with complete information for components of MetSin the three years were included in the study.The criteria of MetS recommended by the Joint Interim Statement criteria were adopted.Latent transition analysis (LTA) was used to calculate the transition probabilities between adjacent visits.A risk typology consisting of fourtime-invariant groups was detected based on the components of MetS for all subjects.Low MetS risk group, BP risk group, BP-HDL risk group, and BP-FPG-TG risk group were found.The probability of staying at the same status was higher at the two intervals across 18 years.Fourlatent groups were extracted based on three assessments for the components of MetS, together with their transition patterns.Findings suggestedvarious trajectories for MetS components.Different combinations of interventionstrategy might be needed for MetS risk groups.
目的 研究早产新生儿皮质脊髓束(corticospinal tract,CST)的弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)参数与脑白质损伤(white matter injury,WMI)评级之间以及与胎龄的关系.方法 158例早产儿在纠正胎龄达到足月时进行脑部MRI以及DTI扫描.根据MRI表现,将WMI的程度分成正常、轻度以及重度损伤组.利用纤维示踪技术对CST
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