
来源 :江西中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuchunxi
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建国以来,由于党对中医事业的重视和关心,中药学有了迅速发展,除了中医各行政管理机构的不断完善,以及各中药院校、专业的不断建立以外,兹就以下几方面加以概述。1 本草文献整理本草文献整理工作取得了很大的成绩。如本草书目整理方面,1978年中国中医研究院主编修订的《全国中医图书联合目录》著录了749部建国前编著的本草,比1961年收录的544部增加了205部,为研究本草版本、考证本草药物,提供了有利条件。同时对历代本草书籍进行了重印,其中50年代重印的本草书籍有19种,60年代重印的本草书籍有3种,70年代重印的本草书籍有4种,80年代已重印和计划重印出版的本草书籍有142种。对本草古籍的辑佚、校点和注释方面尚志钧做了大量工作,重辑了《唐新修本草》和 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, due to the Party’s attention and concern for the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese Pharmacy has developed rapidly. Apart from the continuous improvement of various administrative organizations of Chinese medicine and the constant establishment of Chinese medicine institutions and specialties, the following aspects are outlined. 1 Herbal literature has made great achievements in the consolidation of herbal literature. For example, in order to sort out the bibliographical books, the “National Catalogue of Chinese Medicine Books” revised by the editor-in-chief of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1978 recorded 749 Chinese herbal medicines compiled before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, 205 more than the 544 collected in 1961, for the purpose of studying the Chinese herbal medicine version and textual research. Herbal drugs provide favorable conditions. At the same time, it reprinted the ancient Chinese herbal books. Among them, 19 were reprinted in the 1950s, 3 were reprinted in the 1960s, 4 were reprinted in the 1970s, and reprinted and reprinted in the 1980s. There are 142 kinds of books. Sang Chih-chih has done a lot of work on the collection, textbooks, and annotations of the ancient books of Materia Medica, revisiting “Tang Xin Xiu Materia Medica” and