Development of New Cardiac Movement Phantom

来源 :2011第三届心脏病学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jeanneyli
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  We developed the new type heart movement phantom which can be used with CT, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, and Angiography.It generates a movement closely resembling that of a human heart, allowing the heart circulation and coronary artery movement.The phantom is made of four segments: the driving part, the transmitting part, the balloon, and the pool.The phantom can change by the movement of the heart and can have a stoppage part of the myocardium.Our experiments found that Ejection Fraction (EF), of which the true value is 55 percent, varied according to the type of scanning: 55% with CT, 54% with MRI, and 34% with Nuclear Medicine.As for myocardial ischemia diagnosis, no difference was shown among all the modalities, resulting in the accurate rate.The new phantom we used was developed under a completely new concept; it generates a movement closely resembling that of a human heart, allowing the heart circulation and coronary artery movement.
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