Ultrasound bonding characterization of a bi-layer metal/epoxy with different chemical and mechanical

来源 :2015两岸超声技术与医学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YANCONG1103
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Background, Motivation and Objective Piezoelectric ultrasonic motors are well-known as the most prominent micromotors for actuating miniature devices that can help minimally invasive diagnoses and treatments, such as endoscopes and catheters.They have two advantages for miniaturization: high energy densities with high torques at low speeds and simple structures using simple components.We have built a micro ultrasonic motor stator with a volume of approximately one cubic millimeter and succeeded in spinning the rotor.An advantage of this motor is the use of a vibration mode that generates three waves around the circumference of the hole in the stator.This mode generates a certain magnitude of vibration amplitude, even if the size is reduced to as little as 1 mm.Next goal of this study is to improve the motor torque and combine the rotor into the stator with micro mechanism.
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