Developing a Website on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention by Cooperation of Experts and Medical S

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxuan415315
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  Background: The suicide rate in Japan has been the highest among developed countries; more than 30,000 individuals per year have died since 1998.Psychological autopsies have revealed that most suicide victims had suffered from mental illness.However, majority of them did not see mental health professionals.Therefore, early intervention by non-healthcare professionals for individuals at high risk is essentially important.Aims: The author (C.K.) aimed to provide general public with adequate information concerning mental health and suicide prevention using information technology.The author called medical students (M.H.and others) for participating in the process, expecting educational effects for them.Methods: A website was developed by a team which includes some mental health experts and 3 students of Yokohama City University School of Medicine.The website consisted of five categories, the introduction of 1) community mental health activities, 2) medical activities, 3) news and information of various events, 4) basic knowledge about public mental health and suicide prevention, and 5) ways to relax."Suicide prevention" was a keyword in each category.The articles in each category were written by the experts and medical students.The students were given lectures on public mental health, mental illness, and suicide prevention by experts.They also did on-the-ground research, and wrote articles for the website.Simple terminologies were used in the articles so that readers could easily understand the contents.Results and discussion: The authors completed the contents of the website in March 2011, and planned to upload it in May 2011.The information amount of the websites which contribute to suicide prevention is less than those of hazardous ones in Japan.The present website is expected to raise the level of community mental health, resulting in decrease of suicide and related behaviours.Coordination of experts and medical students on developing website for suicide prevention has not yet reported in Japan so far.This website-making process was considered effective for medical students to learn public mental health.
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