Discrimination of three Panax herbs using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-based fatty acid prof

来源 :2013年代谢组学与中医药现代研究学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jishunhui
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  Fatty acid profiling has been widely used in the bacteria species identification, we hypothesized that fatty acid characteristics might discriminate the Panax herbs according to species.To test the hypothesis, fatty acids of Panax species, including Panax ginseng, Panax notoginseng and Panax quinquefolius, was characterized and compared using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) followed by multivariate statistical analysis.The content of investigated 11 fatty acids, myristic acid, pentadecanoic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, heptadecanoic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid, arachidic acid and eicosadienoic acid, obviously varied among three species, suggesting each species had its own fatty acid pattern.Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis, based on the absolute and relative contents of fatty acid, showed that 30 tested samples could be clearly differentiate according to the species.The results demonstrated that GC-MS-based fatty acid profiling coupled by multivariate analysis provided reliable platform to classify the Panax herbs, which is helpful in ensuring their safety and efficacy.
目的:建立测定人血浆中米格列奈钙的LC/MS/MS法,并应用于健康人体药代动力学研究.方法:30例健康志愿者,随机平均分为3组(男女各半),分别口服米格列奈钙片5、10、20mg,采用非房室模型统计距法计算药代动力学参数.结果:健康受试者单次给药5、10、20 mg后,主要药代动力学参数分别为:Cmax(799.5±189.8)、(1689.8±348.4)和(3032.9±755.6)ng/mL
目的:采用基于NMR的代谢组学技术结合多元统计分析手段研究绿豆与绿豆皮的化学组成差异。方法:收集绿豆样本14批,利用1H NMR方法检测样本中所有含氢信号的物质,获得其代谢轮廓,并采用2D NMR图谱分析以及结合标准品对照的方法进行结构指认。为准确揭示二者的化学组成差异,首先采用SIMCA-P13软件进行主成分分析,以反映数据的原始状态和自然分布情况,随后通过无监督的偏二乘判别分析(PLS-DA)