Influences of Glassified Micro-Bubble on Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High-Srength Concrete after

来源 :The 10th International Symposium on High Performance Concret | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xhbing520
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  An experimental investigation was conducted to study residual mechanical properties of Ultra-High-Strength concrete with different dosages of glassified micro-bubble after exposure to high temperature.After exposure to different target temperatures (room temperature, 200 ℃, 400 ℃,600 ℃,800 ℃), residual mechanical properties (residual compressive strength, residual tensile splitting strength, residual fracture energy) of Ultra-High-Strength concrete under different conditions including 1 water-binder ratios (0.18), 3 different contents of glassified micro-bubble (0%, 40%, 60%) were all investigated.The effect of different dosage of glassified micro-bubble was studied on residual mechanical properties of Ultra-High-Strength concrete after exposure to high temperature.The results indicate that the variations of.different kinds of Ultra-High-Strength concrete with different dosage of glassified micro-bubble are basically the same.With the increase of temperature, the residual mechanical properties increase at first,then decrease.The residual mechanical properties decrease after exposure to high temperature of 800 ℃.
摘 要:水闸是水利工程的重要组成部分,节制闸主要用于水利工程上、下游水位调节,是兼顾通航、控制下泄水量的水闸。其能统筹兼顾兴利与除害、经济效益、社会效益及生态环境效益,综合考虑相关行业、部门的要求。水闸防渗措施是否到位,对于水利工程项目质量有着至关重要的作用。文章主要探讨分析了节制闸的作用、节制闸的渗透特点、节制闸结构物防渗技术等,并对节制闸防渗技术要点进行了研究。  关键词:节制闸;防渗技术  
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摘 要:生物质能属于新兴的绿色环保技术能源。在生物科技研发过程中,通过有效充分的利用,可以规范生物质能的操作形式。依据能源上可能存在的危机,需要及时采取必要的生物质能措施,注重能源发电、燃料乙醇制备处理等。结合大气环境中可能存在的污染因素,需要对生物质能进行开发应用,不断提升生物质能的综合有效利用率。注重人们综合收入和品质生活质量水平的提升,以改善生活环境为操作标准要求,不断加强生物质能的利用。从
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摘 要:文章以水电厂运行维护人员设备故障处理能力调查为入手点,简要阐述了水电厂运行维护人员设备故障处理能力现状表现,并从细化岗位职责、完善培训机制、加强现场培训等方面,对提高水电厂运行维护人员设备故障处理能力的措施作了进一步探析。  关键词:水电厂;运行维护人员;设备故障处理  中图分类号:F272.92 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-1064(2020)09-0