Optimize and Integrate Investing for Our Future-Global Fund to Fight AIDS,Policy and Regulation Unde

来源 :2006中国天津世界艾滋病日科技会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyongwangyongwang
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  In confronting the pandemic,the most obvious strategy is to make treatment as widely available as possible.Beyond treatment,however,the focus should be on prevention.Large inflows of new funding present new challenges,e.g.how to approach sensitive questions of prejudice and discrimination,and how to ensure that appropriate attention is paid to prevention.Prevention measures extend to empowerment of women; universal access to reproductive health information and services,and integrating RAl and HIV/AIDS services.The Global Fund is uniquely poised to help provide leadership with its demonstrated advantages:low overheads,it is performance-based,and it is flexible.It meets felt needs; two-thirds of all investments are in low-income countries; it has scaled up rapidly and it is effective.Continued support at the international as well as national levels is vital to meet the goals of the MDG.
  The development of a prophylactic vaccine to control the HIV pandemic remains a major critical challenge facing the global public health.With more than 40 m
目的 探究在进行儿童保健工作的过程中将健康教育干预进行运用对幼儿行为发育的影响.方法 以对比观察的方式展开探究,所选入幼儿50例,在2019年2月至2020年4月我院进行登记的
  AIDS,a collection of symptoms associated with a immunodeficiency caused by HIV.Since,the predominant route of transmission is through mucosal route,a vaccin
  CCR5,the chemokine co-receptor for HIV-1,has become a very popular target for blocking the entry of this deadly virus into cells.Several small molecule inhi
目的 为了解个性化产科护理在前置胎盘患者的作用,及其对患者和婴儿的影响.方法 ,在2019年6月至12月送治的130位前置胎盘患者进行病例分析实验.在实验结束后,对两组数据进行