Fast detection technology for southern vegetables pests based on the BOF-SVM model

来源 :第五届国际精准农业航空会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenlingqiang6268047
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  In recent years,the UAV(Unmanned aerial vehic le)plant protection machine was widely being popular ized and used for fertilizing and spraying.But the most agricultural UAVs could not collaborat ive decision with pest detection and pesticide technology.It brought some problems of low utilization rate of effective pesticides,excessive pesticide residues in agricultural products,environmental pollution,and etc.The current detection technology of vegetable pests mainly relied on artificial statistics,which had many shortages such as large amount of labor,low efficiency,feedback relay,artificial fault,and also without decision support for pesticide spraying.It is not only reducing manpower and pesticides use by rapid detection technology of image processing for vegetable pests,but also it could provide decision support for the UAV precision spraying and improve the quality of vegetables.Recently,experts and scholars have conducted numerous studies on pests of rice,wheat,corn,rape and other major economic crop.Nevertheless,practical research achievements on the rapid identif ication technology of vegetable pests are still relatively lacking.Based on the above background,this paper presented a classification and recognition scheme based on the model of a bag of features and support vector machine(BOF-SVM)on four southern important vegetable pests including Whitef lies,Phyllotreta Striolata,Plutella Xylostella and Thrips.The scheme of this paper consists of four sub-algorithms.The first sub-algorithm is computing the character description of pest images based on scale invar iant feature transform.The second sub-algorithm is computing the visual vocabulary based on bag of features.The third sub-algorithm is computing the classifier of pests based on support vector machine.The last one is classifying the pest images using the classifier.In this paper,C++ and Python language were used as implementat ion technology with Opencv and Libsvm function library based on BOF-SVM classification algorithm.Experiments showed that the average recognition accuracy was 91.56%for single image category judgment with 80 images from the real environment,and the average time was 0.39 seconds.This algorithm has achieved the ideal operating speed and precision.It could provide decision support for the UAV precision spraying,and also has better application prospect in agriculture.
立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)是水稻纹枯病的重要致病菌.本研究运用Illumina Hiseq 平台对立枯丝核菌高毒力菌株D23和低毒力菌株D12进行全基因组重测序,通过生物信息手段,分析不同个体基因组间的结构差异.我们总共获得大约1600万对数值,插入片段为500bp,读取长度为70至80bp,包括插入、缺失、单核苷酸突变和SNP位点在基因组中的特异分布.Effector基因
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