ECOLE 2018 Tutorial机器学习中的优化问题简介

来源 :第五届中国演化计算与学习研讨会(ECOLE 2018) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiwei00414
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Artificial intelligence systems,machine learning improves system performance automatically from experience.provides tools for intelligent data analysis.learning task category:supervised learning、partially supervised learning、reinforcement learning、unsupervised learning.a typical formulation:value function approximation directly find the parameters of the policy.supervised/partially supervised learning.machine learning=representation + evaluation + optimization.highly complex functions vs. gradient-based methods,relax to convex problems,convex loss functions are noise-sensitive [Long and Servedio, MLJOO],convex regularizations are not consistent [Fan and Li, JASAO1],hard to be relaxed.
Outline 1、Introduction 2、Research work 3、Applications基本情况2、Research Work□主持项目□2014-2017 NSFC(国家自科基金);Many-objective optimization,□2018-2021
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