Identifying Operons and Untranslated Regions in the Organelle Genome of Pyropia yezoensis Based on R

来源 :The 4th International Conference of Genomics Beyond Biologic | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saveflv
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  Operons and UTRs play key roles in transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes,but there are only a few reports concerning their structures and functions in organelle genomes.In our study,we utilized the HiSeq 2000 platform to sequence the organelle genome of Pyropia yezoensis,and generated RNA-seq data from 2 tissues(RPY for filament and ZYT for thallus).We then developed a method based on RNA pair-end reads to detect operons and UTRs.In total,we identified 38 operons in the chloroplast genome(129 genes,accounting for 50.8%of the total number of genes),and 5 operons(20 genes;34.5%of the total number)in the mitochondrial genome.
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