Hybrid Game-based Learning Research at English Class of Primary School

来源 :The 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yindanna
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  As ancient tricks enjoyed by most people,game and game-based learning has been long valued by educators.However,there exist some obstacles for the application of educational games in formal school education.For example,some content in games has nothing to do with learning,or the content doesn't match the learning goals.While,in this aspects,"Light games" can do a good job.We find that game-based learning is indeed used by teachers in the classroom nowadays,but most of form is offline,not online.This paper first sorts out the common offline game-based learning methods.Then based on these traditional ways,the paper designs the corresponding online methods: the construction of Digital Library,designing and developing related application,etc..In the end,the paper advocates the concept of "Hybrid Light Game-based Learning".
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