Genetic Polymorphism Analysis of Resistance Genes to Insecticides of Culex pipiens pallens in Zhejia

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  To study genetic polymorphism of resistance genes to insecticides of Culex pipiens pallens in Zhejiang Province,and to investigate applicability of single strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP)method for mosquito molecular surveillance.Methods Resistances to insecticides of Cx.pipiens pallens in Hangzhou,Zhoushan,Huzhou,Jinhua cities in Zhejiang Provence were tested by larve bioassay.
The most vulnerable stages of Plasmodium development occur in the lumen of the mosquito midgut,a compartment shared with symbiotic bacteria.We describe a strategy that uses symbiotic bacteria for deli
To investigate mosquito habitats in increasing urban underground parking lots(UPLs)in densely populated metropolitan area in Wuhan,and assess its impact on the risk of mosquito borne diseases.A larval
Aedes albopictus,also named as "Asia Tiger" mosquito,is a common mosquito species in China.Ae.albopictus is an important virus vector which can transmit a large number of pathogen.In recent years,it h
2009-2010年在萝北口岸采用诱虫灯诱和昆虫网捕方法采集蚊虫,将采获的蚊虫制作针插标本,进行分类鉴定.两年期间共采获蚊虫8356 只,计4 属20 种,占黑龙江省已知蚊类52 种的38.5%.其中按蚊属2 种,伊蚊属13 种,库蚊属3 种,脉毛蚊属2 种.灰色伊蚊是该口岸首次记录的蚊种,优势蚊种为刺扰伊蚊(92.1%).
比较灯诱法与灭蚊磁场诱捕法监测蚊类密度的差异,探讨新型方法取代传统方法的可能性.在广州市南沙区南沙新港开展监测,选取集中查验中心为监测点,放置灭蚊磁场1 台,在距灭蚊磁场20 m 处布放紫外诱蚊灯3 台.2012 年1~12 月,每月上旬监测1 次,9:00 放至次日9:00 收,鉴定种类,比较2 种方法监测蚊种构成比和季节消长趋势的相关性.
在实验室通过病毒感染和传播实验,确定淡色库蚊和埃及伊蚊是否能传播发热伴血小板减少综合征布尼亚病毒.选用加有发热伴血小板减少综合征布尼亚病毒液的豚鼠血和葡萄糖混合液喂食淡色库蚊和白纹伊蚊4 h.取吸食混合液后4 h、1 d、2 d、3 d、4 d的饱血雌蚊为样本研磨,对蚊悬液用荧光实时定量PCR 技术进行病毒测定.结果显示,应用荧光定量PCR 技术,两个蚊种均未在吸食含有病毒混合液4 天后的样本中检
众所周知,按蚊中存在许多隐种,种间为典型的近期分化,共同分享祖先的多态性致使其间形态特征非常相似,故经典方法分类时,混淆和错订在所难免。分子特征的引入和应用为按蚊隐种的鉴别开辟了新的途径,并愈来愈不可或缺。研究表明rDNA-ITS2 序列和28S-D3 部分片段的序列在按蚊种内保守,种间具有良好的解析度,系按蚊客观、可靠的鉴别特征。
The behavioral response of flies to olfactory cues remains the focus of many investigations and wind tunnels have sometimes been employed for assessment of this variable in the laboratory.In this stud
Antimalarial drugs may impact mosquitos defense against Plasmodium parasites.Our previous study showed nitroquine significantly reduced infection of Anopheles stephensi by Plasmodium yoelii,but the un
Our understanding of medically important flies behavior pertaining to how they are response to abiotic factor changes is necessary if we want to predict their populations.We investigated the distribut