Future Trends in Europe Big Turbines Offshore

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seraph72
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  The European market is stable with a clear policy framework and targets out to 2020.Especially the offshore market continues to grow steadily and will play an even bigger role in Europe.By 2016, total installations in Europe are expected to increase by about 65 GW.Offshore is a new technology with big potential in cost reduction and technical innovations.As it is suitable for large scale developments, bigger turbines are introduced.But what turbine size is big and what is on the horizon? Which projects are planned in Europe and where are opportunities for Chinese manufactures? Which requirements need to be fulfilled to enter the European market? These questions will be addressed and discussed.The strong growth of the wind energy industry and the growing size of wind farms as well as turbines enforce financing banks and insurance companies as well as authorities to require reliability and safety assessments of these products and projects.For more than 30 years GL Renewables Certification (GL RC) successfully certifies wind turbines, their components and wind farm projects worldwide.Based on this experience, it will be presented how assessment to harmonised regulations actively supports exports and eases market entries.
  As world energy consumption continues to grow during this century, one of the main issues to be resolved is the handling of nuclear waste.Nations with curre
博物馆作为提供历史阐释与生成公共记忆的场所,其历史类展览具有特殊的意义.“他者”(the other)是人类学的重要概念之一,在叙事性展览中恰当运用“他者”视角,能够提供多角
夏次叔 (1904—1938),1904年出生于湖南省龙山县桶东乡小湾村.父亲系清末进士.夏次叔幼时随父课读多年,故旧学颇有功底.1926年,夏次叔考取北京大学政治系预科,1927年转入北京