Quantitative trait loci mapping for amylose content in rice

来源 :2013全国植物生物学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjh901223
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  Amylose content is the one most important of all the cooking quality characteristics because it greatly affects the cooking and processing behavior of milled rice.In general, indica and japonica rice cultivars show differences for amylose content (AC).In other words, optimization of the trait is necessary for the developing of high grain quality rice cuhivars.To study the genetic basis of amylose content, a set of introgression lines (ILs), derived from Sasanishiki (japonica)/Habataki (indica) with Sasanishiki as the recurrent parent, were used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) in two different environments (2011HaiNan and 2012NanChang).
  MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是基因组编码的小分子非编码RNAs,在生长发育、生物和非生物胁迫以及其他方面均起到重要作用.为解析MicroRNAs表达调控,本研究利用TSSP程序和PlantCAR
5月的青岛绿树红瓦碧海蓝天,5月的李村河波光粼粼鲜花烂漫,5月的世园建设者挥汗如雨热火朝天。5月10日~11日,中国女摄影家协会100名女摄影家来到青岛李沧摄影采风,聚焦李沧发展和世界园艺博览会建设。  5月10日上午,由中国女摄影家协会、山东省女摄影家协会、山东省妇女联合会、2014青岛世界园艺博览会执委会、青岛市委宣传部、青岛市妇女联合会、中共李沧区委区政府联合举办的中国百名女摄影家“走进青岛
This paper corresponds to the written versions of many lectures at several locations including the most recent one at Weinan Teachers University on June 8, 2011
  The objective of this study was to analyze the SSR distribution in Actinidia and develop new EST-derived SSR markers.A total of 132 593 ESTs of Actinidia we
  Advances in modern biology have changed the whole profile of plant breeding.The increasing availability of breeding information, including pedigree, phenoty