Mapping evolving collaboration network of China solar energy research

来源 :中国地理学会2012年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong484
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  Scientific collaboration plays a significant role in producing and diffusing new knowledge, and has received much attention from academic scholars and policy-makers recently.However, little attention has so far been given to its scalar dimension.Indeed, scientific collaboration network varies when geographical scale is taken into account.But most previous studies didn t take seriously the factors of space and scale more or less, espccially in the field of new energy research.Therefore,this paper intends to explore the geographical structure of Chinese collaboration research from a multi-scalar perspective, taking the solar energy science as a case.China is on the way to become a leading nation in science,which can be partly attributed to scientific collaboration.China s scientific output of solar energy research has been increasing in terms of both quantity and quality, and the collaboration research networks continuously intensify and expand among different regions in China and between China and other countries.This paper takes China s solar energy research as a case to study the dynamic of its collaborative scientific output, and concentrates on the changing collaboration network on multiple scales (intraregional, interregional and international).Here regions refer to the province-level geographical scopes.Intraregional collaboration means the research collaboration within a province, while interregional collaboration denotes collaboration among provinces, and international collaboration refers to the cooperation between China and other counties.The solar energy-related data of collaborative scientific articles are derived from the Science Citation Index (SCI)-listed journals between 1991 and 2011.In this paper,the collaborative scientific articles are those publications with multiple authors from different institutes.The keywords used to search in a part of the title, abstract or keywords in SCI include "solar energy" , "solar power" , " solar thermal" , "solar radiation" , "solar generation", "solar PV", "Solar cell" , "photovoltaic",etc.The analysis methods comprise Bibliometrics,Scientometrics and social network methods.By using Bibexcel and Ucinet, we firstly analyze the proportion and types of collaborative research of Chinese solar energy science, and examine properties and indexes of the collaboration networks.Secondly, we compare the varying geographical structures of collaboration networks at the intraregional, interregional and international levels.Lastly,we try to understand the evolutionary dynamics of the solar energy collaboration networks on multiple scales.This paper will ends with some policy suggestion for improving the Chinese science of the solar energy.