Kinetic Instabilities in a Fuel Cell and Its Relevance to Designer Technologies

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqgcsw2
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  Kinetic instabilities during an electrochemical reaction are an established issue among the topics covered by the field of the complex systems.Oscillatory regime is a sort of kinetic instability that most of the small molecules (methanol, formic acid etc) undergoes during its electroxidation using a conventional electrochemical device of three-electrode.So, it would not be a surprise the same behavior appearing in a technological device such as the fuel cell.Actually, so far, we had identified kinetic oscillation in a fuel cell operating with impure hydrogen (with traces of CO) as well as with formic acid.The impure hydrogen oxidation in oscillatory regime gained full attention because it has an oscillatory mechanism which mimics the oscillatory mechanism belonging to small molecules.In this direction, the oscillations during impure hydrogen electroxidation using two different devices -the fuel cell and a standard three-electrode device-is compared aiming distinguish between mechanistic and spatially extended variables.Identifying those variables has a direct technological impact since it will allow manipulating physical properties of a fuel cell in order to reach a specific application.Considering the diverse audience, the presentation is sketched around the following topics: (i) historical overview, (ii) basic knowledge of complex system, (iii) oscillations during the oxidation of CO-containing H2 in a fuel cell and half cell, and (iv) engineering of the fuel cell complex behavior.
一位体壮如牛的年轻男子,因经常出差,结婚5年来性生活始终不规律。以往,他和妻子的性生活总能令双方满意,然而有一次却遇到了麻烦:“当时我爱人已有了几次高潮,可我换了几 A
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