Analysis of Vortex Flow in isovolumic contraction phaseof Left Ventricle with Vector Flow Mapping us

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scotscotscotscot
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  Objectives Toanalysequantitativelya lya vortex motion in isovolumic contraction phase during a cardiac cycle by echocardiographicvector flow mapping (VFM) of left ventricular flow.Background The role of isovolumic contraction motion in LV have been suggested the sequence of intracavitary flow redirection in vivo flow patterns studies, but the presence of vortices inside the left ventricleduring the intervals, however, has not been demonstrated and quantified in the human leftventricle.Methods 60 healthy adultvolunteers as control group,while 60 diastolic dysfunction (grade Ⅱ) patients, 60 dilated heart failure patients and 60 severe aortic regurgitation patientsas 3-case-group were involved.The vortex parameters of blood flowin isovolumic contractionperiod of left ventricular flow, including maximum flow volume of vortex (Q, cm2/s), vortex area (S,cm2)andvortex intensity (Q/S,s-1),acquired by computer software named DSA-RS2based on the color Doppler flow imaging in the 3-chamber and5-chamber long-axisview of the left ventricle.Results The vortex parametersanalysed by VFM in the left ventricle during isovolumic contraction phasein control group and 3-case-groups were showed thatmaximum flow volume of vortex (Q) were increased gradually (11.13±8.41 cm2/s, 18.80±14.82 cm2/s, 26.80±18.72 cm2/s, 48.28±30.96, P<0.05), as well as vortex area (S) were increased respectively(1.19±1.77cm2, 1.62±1.55 cm2, 4.87±4.10 cm2, 8.50±7.63 crn2, P<0.05) ,while as vortex intensity (Q/S) in control and diastolic dysfunction (grade Ⅱ) patients groups were higher than that in dilated heart failure patients and severe aortic regurgitation patients groups[(15.47±9.72 s-1, 18.31±12.19 s-1) vs (9.75±7.92 s-1, 12.19±10.78 s-1), P<0.05], that was associated to the ejection fraction(r=0.653, P<0.01).Conclusions A vortex motion in isovolumiccontraction period of the left ventricular was confirmed anddescripted byvortex parameters of VFM, which may help to explore the physiological mechanism of the flow redirection and blood flow dynamics in isovolumiccontraction phase in human heart chamber.
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