Genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese indigenous cattle reveals Asian indicine intro

来源 :第十五次全国畜禽遗传标记大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkk81950868
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  [Background]China has a great diversity of ecosystems and an abundance of cattle resources,with nearly 30 million indigenous cattle of 53 indigenous cattle breeds.Traditionally, Chinese indigenous breeds were classified morphologically and phylogenetically into two groups, humped (zebu or A. indicine) and humpless (E. taurine). In this study, a total of 558 samples from 17 indigenous breeds and 3 improved breeds, were analyzed to explore the genetic variation and population structure of Chinese indigenous breeds.
INTRODUCTION Pig (Sus Scrofa) is an important economic animal and ideal model animal for human biology because of the similarity physiology,organ development and disease progression.Testicular develop
引言 随着基因组测序技术的飞速发展,基于序列数据对家畜进行遗传评估和育种等相关研究已成为动物遗传育种的重要发展方向和研究热点.但是,序列数据包含大量的位点信息,因此如何有效利用序列数据的信息进行遗传评估是遗传育种研究的一大热点和难点.为此研究比较序列数据和芯片数据在估计育种值准确性的差异(van Binsbergen and Caius et a1.,2015),从而为后续研究序列数据在遗传评估等
Introduction:A better understanding of the control of myogenesis and lipogenesis is of critical important for both human and animal physiology.This requires a better knowledge of the changes of gene e
引言 畜禽保种的首要目标是最大程度地维持群体遗传多样性,这一目标可通过最小化近交率来实现。近交系数不仅可利用系谱进行计算,还可利用SNP等分子标记进行估计。有研究表明,基于SNP的基因组近交系数(FSNP)可靠性要高于基于系谱的近交系数(Fped) (Kardos et al,2015)。本文借助计算机模拟,以Fped为参照,揭示SNP不同初始基因频率对FsNP衡量遗传多样性准确性的影响,以期为分
INTRODUCTION Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) typically using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) as the basic units of analysis is a convenient strategy of genetic studies and has led to the d
引言 随着基因组测序技术的飞速发展,针对畜禽群体的全基因组序列数据进行遗传评估与育种等相关研究将成为动物遗传育种的重要发展方向和研究热点。但是,目前全基因组测序成本还相对较高,对全群进行全基因组测序来实施基因组选择(GS)以及全基因组关联分析(GWAS)还难以现实,因此如何准确有效地利用基因型填充技术(Howie,Donnelly,& Marchini,2009)芯片填充至全基因组序列数据具有重要