
来源 :铁道工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nnljn
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我国建国后三十多年中,比较重视新线铁路的建设,共建成新线三万多公里,比解放前七十五年的总和还多35%,成绩是巨大的。相对来说,对既有线改造重视的还不够,许多运营多年的铁路没有得到及时改造加强,使运能与运量的矛盾愈来愈尖锐,远远不能满足国民经济发展的需要。近年来,全路上下已开始重视既有线的改造问题,安排既有线改造的项目和费用愈来愈多,已初步取得了明显的效果。今后,在继续新线建设的同时,还需加紧对既有线进行改造,双管齐下,才能满足在二十世纪末,主要经济指标翻两番的要求。 In the thirty years after the founding of our nation, China pays more attention to the construction of a new line of railways and has built more than 30,000 kilometers of new lines, which is 35% more than the sum of the seventy-five years prior to the liberation. The achievements are enormous. Relatively speaking, it is not enough to pay attention to the reconstruction of existing lines. Many railway lines that have been operating for many years have not been transformed and strengthened in time. Contradictions between transport capacity and capacity have become more and more acute. They are far from meeting the needs of national economic development. In recent years, the entire road has begun to attach importance to the reconstruction of existing lines. As a result, more and more projects and costs have been allocated to existing line reconstruction, and initial results have been achieved. In the future, while continuing with the construction of a new line, we will need to step up efforts to rebuild the existing line in a two-pronged approach in order to meet the requirement of quadrupling the major economic indicators by the end of the twentieth century.