
来源 :首届新技术时代大学图书馆领导与管理创新国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:drrrrr123
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  The changes occurring in the context in which academic libraries operate are tumultuous.Libraries and librarians have found it difficult to respond to the changes and seem reluctant to take on new ways of work as strong disruptive currents eddy around them.Andy Warhol’s advice is wise.They always say time changes things,but you actually have to change them yourself.Choosing new paths and implementing new strategies requires strong leadership within the profession of librarianship and within libraries.Many are called to the profession of librarianship,and accept the invitation.Yet few are choosing to be leaders who will carve out effective future roles for libraries and realize the goals which will lead to successful information service delivery.This paper examines why this might be so,identifies some of the ingredients of successful leadership,andpresents some ideas and actions for instilling leadership withinthe profession and distilling some of its components.
前不久,在中国作家十人书画展开幕式上,我见到了苏叔阳。人消瘦了许多,头发白了一小半,但谈锋不减。 “你老兄的画跳出了旧窠,有新意。”看过我的十来幅画作之后,苏叔阳握着
山茶花(Camellia japonica L.)和茶梅(C.sasanqua Thunb.)是常绿灌木或小乔木,在冬春间见花,品种多,花期长,花色艳丽,是世界园林花木中的珍品,深受人们喜爱。以往对山茶花和
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