An Efficiency and Safety of Short-Term Prednisone Treating to Moderate and Severe Subacute Thyroidit

来源 :中华医学会第十四次全国内分泌学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jincaijuan
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Objective Glucocorticoids are administered in moderate and severe cases of subacute thyroiditis (SAT),providing markedly relief from fever and pain.To our knowlage, there have been no reports regarding the efficiency using short-term prednisone course to treat SAT.In our study, we used 30mg/d of prednisone as the initial dosage only one week and NSAIDs following up next week.We assessed the efficiency and safety of this treatment protocol.Methods This is a prospective, randomized, controlled, single-blind study.( ID: NCT01837433).We examined 36 patients with moderate and severe SAT who visited our thyroid clinic between August 2013 and April 2014.They were randomly divided into two groups.In experimental group,we used prednisone 30mg/d as the initial dosage one week and celecoxib 400mg in first day, and then 200mg bid in the remaining next week, total 2 weeks.
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病例资料:STEPHEN,男,60岁,新西兰人.因"反复关节疼痛5年,关节疼痛反复加重3月"就诊,病程中血尿酸最高> 1000umol/L.查体:中度贫血貌,心肺听诊无异常.腹软,肝肋下3cm,质韧,脾超过前正中线,达脐下3cm,质硬,无压痛,左足第一跖趾关节红肿,压痛明显.既往骨髓纤维化病史14年,头痛3年,长期服用奇曼丁及对乙酰氨基酚片等药物止痛治疗,用量为常规剂量的3-4倍.目前服用中药治疗
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