Blueberry is becoming a high-value, niche market crop in China.During late September and early October of 2013, rust-like symptoms were observed on high-bush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) at a plantation in Liaoning province, which is the largest blueberry-production area in China.In our investigation, rust was observed throughout the plants on the cultivars of Northblue, Brigitta, Bluecropand Berkeleyin this plantation.Preliminary field observations suggest that the plants of Northblueare highly susceptible to the rust and others from Bluecropshows some tolerance.Symptoms on the upper surface of leaves began as a chlorotic flecks, then expanded and developed into reddish brown, necrotic spots with a chlorotic halo around.Uredinia were hypophyllous, numerous yellow rust pustules surrounded by small water-soaked halos appear, which up to about 300μm in diameter, clustered and sometimes coalescing.Urediniospores were subglobose to spherical, (17 ~ 22) μm ×(12 ~ 16) μm (average 19μm × 14μm, n =50) with hyaline to yellowish, echinulate.