First Report of the Occurrence of Geminivirus in Hubei

来源 :中国植物病理学会2014年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huonu
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  In September 2013, tall morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) plants showing vein yellowing and leaf curl symptoms typical of a begomovirus infection (figure) were observed in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, China.Total nucleic acids were extracted from a symptomatic plant using CTAB method.Rolling circle amplification (RCA) was conducted using TempliPhiTM kit (GE Healthcare, USA) to recover the genome of a putative begomovirus.Digestion of the RCA product with Pst Ⅰ yielded a ~ 2.8 kbDNA fragment suggestive of a monomerized begomoviral genome.The fragment was cloned and sequenced and the sequence was deposited in GenBank under accession No.KF641186.SDTv.1.0 (Species Demarcation Tool) analysis revealed that the putative begomovirus showed 98.5% and 92.0% nucleotide sequence identity with sweet potato leaf curl Georgia virus (SPLCGV)-[China: Hebei: 2011](JX448368) and SPLCGV-[US: Geo: 16] (AF326775), respectively.The virus contains six ORFs which show 98% ~ 100% amino acid sequence identity with AV1, AV2 and AC1-AC4 of SPLCGV[China: Hebei : 2011], respectively.SPLCGV (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae) has been reported to infect sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in USA, India and China.To our knowledge, this is first report of a geminivirus in Hubei, a Province of Central China.Whereas the finding of SPLCGV in sweet potato may be a result of vegetative propagation this crop, the detection of SPLCGV in tall morning glory clearly, an annual plant, shows that this virus is transmissible and is spreading in China.This suggests that SPLCGV may pose a greater threat to sweet potato cultivation in China than previously thought.
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