
来源 :江苏卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k1165445191
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为探讨铅污染对儿童听力的影响,对50名血铅>120μg/L(高血铅组)和50名血铅<100μg/L(低血铅组)的儿童进行脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)测试,结果表明高血铅组、低血铅组的儿童BAEP异常和听阈异常有显著性差异,铅污染对儿童听力可造成一定的影响。 To investigate the effect of lead pollution on children’s hearing, brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) were measured in 50 children with blood lead> 120μg / L (high blood lead group) and 50 children with blood lead <100μg / L (low blood lead group) ) Test, the results showed that children with high blood lead group, low blood lead BAEP abnormalities and abnormal hearing threshold were significantly different, lead pollution can have a certain impact on children’s hearing.