Impedance-based Real Time Cell Monitoring to Support Safety Prediction of Drug Candidates

来源 :中国上海第七届国际新药发明科技年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rogiangel
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  Cell-based in vitro assays are a key tool for the assessment of compound-induced toxicity in early drug development before entering regulatory animal testing.A non-invasive and label-free tool,which allows continuous monitoring of cellular behavior is provided by the xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analyzer (RTCA) System,co-developed by Roche and ACEA Biosciences.This system is based on measuring electric impedance generated by adherent cells,which interact with a microelectrode biosensor at the bottom of the well of a cell culture plate.The readout,called "cell index" (CI),measures morphological alterations of cells caused by e.g.drug-treatment.The technique allows hands-free dynamic monitoring of cellular events,such as proliferation,cell death,adhesion,spreading and shrinking in a 96-well format over an extended period of time.
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我的梦想就是做明星每个人都有梦想,有的人为了梦想会不停地追求,不放过一个机会,所以她成功了。问:你小时候的梦想是什么? 张含韵:做明星。因为我喜欢跳舞和唱歌,从两岁就开
见到冯敬是在运动员公寓下的的体育亭,那天他的脖子似乎很僵硬.每说几句话就要用手在后面揉揉拍拍,“这几天一直这样.后面疼得厉害,也不是什么大毛病,就是运动劳损,每天晚上要接受治疗……”我问;“这会影响到你的训练和比赛吗?”他斩钉截铁地回苦:“不会。”    被青春撞了一下腰    受搞田径的父亲影响,冯敬练了体操。可起初体操对于小小的他来说,并不是个好梦。  “1995年,我随队从西安到北京训练,由
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