
来源 :环境与职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidrandy
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[目的]了解现阶段进沪旅客列车的卧具更换状况。[方法]2006年第一季度对运营至上海的17个铁路局(我国大陆共有18个)所属的长途旅客列车卧具更换情况进行监督抽查,与同期全国铁路旅客列车卫生监督抽查结果进行比较。[结果]旅客列车卧具(被套)更换的抽查合格率仅70.4%,而同期全路旅客列车卧具更换合格率近100%。[结论]旅客列车折返过程中卧具(被套)更换问题突出,应加强管理力度。 [Objective] To understand the status of bedding change in passenger trains at present in Shanghai. [Method] In the first quarter of 2006, the replacement of bedding cars for long-distance passenger trains belonging to 17 railway administrations operating in Shanghai (18 in mainland China) was supervised and spot checked, compared with the results of the national railway passenger train hygiene supervision and spot check during the same period. [Results] Passenger train bedding (quilt) replacement spot checks pass rate of only 70.4%, while the whole year passenger train bedding replacement pass rate of nearly 100%. [Conclusion] The replacement of bedding (quilt) in the process of passenger train folding back was prominent, and the management should be strengthened.
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