
来源 :中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JackCF1
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单位内部治安突发事件绝大多数属于人民内部矛盾,即使有少数敌对分子蓄意唆使、挑拨、制造甚至直接参与,并不能在总体上改变单位内部治安突发事件属于人民内部矛盾性质的总体认识和判断。对于情况极为复杂的事件,如果一时难以定性,首先应按人民内部矛盾对待,以免冲突进一步激化或演变。单位内部治安突发事件的反复发生,极易消解削弱执政党、政府的权威和公信力,进而危及到政权的稳固。应从巩固党的执政地位、维护国家长治久安的高度,进一步增强政治责任感和工作紧迫感,认真研究单位内部治安突发事件发生、发展的规律和特点,积极采取有针对性的防控措施,强化单位内部的情报信息工作,建立单位内部纠纷排查调处机制,建立健全信访机制,依法解决群众的诉求。公安机关应根据单位内部治安突发事件的类别,坚持“预防为主,单位负责;疏导化解,依法制止;慎用武力,惩办首恶”的处置原则。 The vast majority of internal public order contingencies belong to the internal contradictions among the people. Even if a small number of hostile elements intentionally instigate, sow discord, manufacture or even directly participate in the same, they can not generally change the overall understanding of the internal contradictions among the people as a result of public security emergencies within the units. judgment. For those incidents that are extremely complicated, if they are difficult to identify qualitatively, they should first be treated as contradictions among the people so as to avoid any further intensification or evolution of conflicts. The recurrence of internal public order contingencies can easily lead to the weakening of the authority and credibility of the ruling party and government, thus endangering the stability of the government. From the perspective of consolidating the party’s ruling status and safeguarding the long-term peace and stability of the country, we should further enhance our sense of political responsibility and urgency of work, conscientiously study the laws and characteristics of the occurrence and development of public security emergencies within our units, actively adopt targeted prevention and control measures and strengthen units Internal information and information work, the establishment of units within the dispute investigation and mediation mechanism, establish and improve the letter and visit mechanism, according to the law to solve the people’s demands. Public security organs shall, according to the type of public security incidents within their own units, uphold the principle of “prevention first, unit responsibility; ease and resolve, and stop by law; use force with caution and punish the first evil”.