Attraction Strategies of Floral Signals for Deceiving Pollinator Bumblebees in Slipper Orchid Paphio

来源 :世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)兰花专家组亚洲委员会成立大会暨第八届亚洲兰花多样性与保育国际学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnlqlql
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  Almost one-third of the worlds orchid species have the deception pollination systems.For most of this species,pollination strategies have been specialized due to the preferences (color and scent) of local specific pollinators.Therefore,key floral signals,i.e.,visual (color) and olfactory (odor) cues play a primary and central role in attracting pollinators.In this study,floral signals of rewardless orchid Paphiopedilum micranthum were investigated by combining the floral color and scent analysis and pollinators behaviors bioassays to identify the attraction mechanism of floral signals in targeting pollinator bumblebees.Floral VOCs blends were collected and analysed by GC-MS (Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry).Via combined the GC-MS with EAD (Eiectroantennographic detection) techniques,the compound which perceived by pollinators was identified.Floral surface reflectance of P.micranthum and sympatric flowering species visited by bumblebees were measured by spectrometer,and then were plotted in bee color space to obtain the similarity of floral color patterns perceived by bumblebees in rewardless orchid and rewarding local flowering species.
面对道德,当代中国人难免给人一种态度暧昧的印象。一方面他们极力贬低道德作用,一方面又明白无误地宣称中国正在面临一场道德危机。一个自称有着千年文明的礼仪之邦,有着无数道德君子的国家,为什么面临道德危机?中国人失去道德能力了吗?  不得不承认的是,道德一词在这个国家已经变得声名狼藉。就国家而言,政府一讲道德,民众就会发笑——“请先治理好贪腐问题再说吧!”社会上也有人谈道德,但情况通常不妙,他们常常会被
  Global changes such as climate change and land use change are significant factors that can impact species survival.Proper assessment on impacts of these fac
上世纪90年代,欧盟组织的大批营养学家、医学和公共健康方面的专家,就橄榄油和地中海饮食发表声明,证明橄榄油作为地中海饮食中最主要的脂肪来源,对防治和降低心血管疾病的风险,如冠心病、高血压,以及糖尿病、肥胖症等,具有很好的作用。其实,橄榄油的功效还远不止这些。    橄榄油与动脉粥样硬化、心血管疾病——    动脉粥样硬化是最常见的疾病之一,动脉粥样硬化的发生与饮食习惯密切相关。  橄榄油是不饱和脂