A Discretization Algorithm That Keeps Positive Regions of All the Decision Classes

来源 :”数字化中医信息系统“临床术语本体研究专家研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qidezhong
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  Most of the existing discretization methods such as k-interval discretization, equal width and equal frequency methods do not take the dependencies of decision attributes on condition attributes into account.In this paper, we propose a discretization algorithm that can keep the dependencies of the decision attribute on condition attributes, or keep the positive regions of the partition of the decision attribute.In the course of inducing classification rules from a data set, keeping these dependencies can achieve getting the set of the least condition attributes and the highest classification precision.
摘要:小学语文课程标准(2011版)指出:语文课程要应注重引导学生多读书、多积累。可是大多数一线语文教师为了追求语文课堂的“高效”、快节奏,往往忽视了读书的重要性。读书环节的盲目被删除,导致现在的许多学生不会朗读,没有读书习惯甚至是讨厌读书。这一现状是需要我们语文教师们努力改变和扭转的,本文中作者围绕小学阶段学生出现的一些读书方面的问题阐述了自己的观点。  关键词:小学语文;朗读;阅读教学;思考 
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