建立筛选和示踪干细胞诱导分化心肌细胞的表达元件:钙示踪蛋白GCaMP2和PuroR基因在心肌特异性启动子α-MHC promoter下共表达

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目前,心血管疾病是世界范围内的第一致死疾病,细胞替代治疗法已经成为治疗心脏类疾病的一种新策略。富集种子细胞和观测移植细胞在心脏梗死区的状态和功能对于 At present, cardiovascular disease is the world’s first lethal disease, and cell replacement therapy has become a new strategy for the treatment of heart diseases. Enrich the seed cells and observe the status and function of the transplanted cells in the infarct zone of the heart
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