Determination of Asparaginyl-Oligosaccharides by NanoLC-ESI -MS with a permanent charge derivatizati

来源 :第九届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第四届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议、2014国际微流控芯片与微纳尺度生物分离分析学术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:html007
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  Glycosylation is one of the most common and complex post-translational modifications in biological systems.Information on glycan heterogeneity is increasingly recognized as crucial to understanding glycoprotein structure and function.Due to the cost-saving of nonspecific enzymes such as pronase E,several research groups have used them for the characterization of glycosylation sites and oligosaccharide heterogeneity in glycoproteins.However,several glycopeptides with different amino acid residuals that share the same glycan structure could display lower detection sensitivity and lead to complicated mass interpretation using this method.In our study,increasing the enzyme/glycoprotein ratio and prolonging the digestion time were used to overcome those disadvantages.In addition,a permanent charge derivatization reagents,TMPP-Ac-OSu,was also employed for the determination of N-linked oligosaccharides.The experimental strategy was validated using glycoproteins with known oligosaccharide structure,Ribonuclease B(high mannose type),Ovalbumin(hybrid type)and Transferrin(complex type).
青藏高原冷能资源十分丰富,冬季野外盐湖现场的环境温度可达零下几十摄氏度[1-2]。根据现有文献,针对Na+,K+,Mg2+/Cl-,SO42--H2O 五元水盐体系的相图数据,低于室温的有15℃[3]、0℃以及-10℃[4]。对于更低温度条件下的相图数据,尚未有文献报道。为了模拟盐湖现场冬季气候条件,更好地指导冬季盐田工艺生产,本文研究了泻利盐在低温条件下的冷冻析盐规律。根据文献报道的15℃、0℃
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在本实验室研制的SRC-100 型恒温环境式精密溶解-反应热量计[1]的基础上,针对该仪器存在的一些不足,我们研制了一套新的精密溶解-反应热量计[2,3].如图1 所示,具体包括:(1)在插入单元的法兰与隔热圆片之间设置一个恒温圆柱;同时在法兰与隔热圆片外侧设有凹槽,凹槽内嵌有O 型圈;热敏电阻和电能标定电阻加热器的封装采用了壁更薄的5 mm核磁管,并且去掉了隔热圆片上面的玻璃管部分,以进一步减小
药物共晶(Co-Crystal)是药物活性成分(API)与共晶形成物(CCF)通过分子间作用力而形成的一种新结晶.共晶的形成可改善API 的物理化学性质及生物利用度,而药物的物理化学性质和它在生物体内的利用度是决定API 能否顺利应用于临床的重要因素,因此近年来有关药物共晶的研究成了药学领域的一大热点[1-2].但是对药物共晶的研究主要集中在制备、结构表征和溶解性能方面,对其基础热力学的研究并不全
目的:利用自制微流控芯片(microchip)结合环介导等温扩增(LAMP)技术检测全血样本中JAK2 V617F基因突变,实现对骨髓增殖性肿瘤的分子诊断.方法:设计LAMP检测JAK2 V617F引物,建立并优化反应体系;检测HEL细胞株中JAK2 V617F突变DNA及野生型DNA,对LAMP扩增产物进行测序及酶切鉴定;LAMP检测JAK2 V617F突变率;设计微流控芯片,采用SU-8光刻胶
To develop the method for separation of epithelial cells and sperm in a microfludic chip,the glass-PDMS chip,which is easy to manufacture,was selected to separation of epithelial cells and sperm.Buffe
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