Study on coupling UPLC to FTICR-MS in at-line mode for reliable determination of N-acylhomoserine la

来源 :DaLian Internationall Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatogra | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenhuaxys
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  Much attention has been recently paid to the newest developed ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) technique which is based on the principle of small porous particles and ultra high pressure.More and more robust applications of UPLC in various fields showed its excellent chromatographic parameters.High field (12 Tesla) Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FTICR-MS) has many prominent characteristics.Many coupling techniques have been successfully developed, e.g.CE-FT/ICR-MS, GC-FTICR-MS, LC-FTICR-MS, to improve precision and accuracy.On-line coupling of UPLC with FTICR/MS is technically infeasible due to the high speed of the separation and the relatively low scan rates of the MS: the half peak width in UPLC is typically lower than one second, which demands a high scan rate detector which FTICR/MS can not provide.Additionally the FT/ICR-MS data acquisition takes some time to obtain high resolution and sensitivity.
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