Epidemiology and Prevention of MRSA

来源 :中华预防医学会第22次全国医院感染学术年会暨第9届上海国际医院感染控制论坛(SIFIC)暨第6届亚太区感染控制会议(AP | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goer
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After introduction of methicillin in 1959, the first MRSA was described in 1961.In the following 30 years, MRSA spread globally, causing outbreaks in healthcare settings and leading to increased morbidity and mortality of hospitalized patients.
The U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and all international Infection Control Societies emphasize the importance of hand hygiene (HH) for the re
Introduction Innovative automated monitoring systems of hand hygiene (HH) indicators are now available.We evaluated technologies used and evidence about their validity, suitability for use and advanta
On August 1 2012, China formally implemented the decree Administrative regulations for clinical use of antibacterial agents, which was issued by the Ministry of Health.
Infection related deaths or permanent disabilities are sentinel events because they are unanticipated but many are preventable.Organization is expected to conduct a thorough and credible root cause an
The primary goal of antimicrobial stewardship is to optimize clinical outcomes while minimizing adverse reactions and the emergence of resistance.
Much has been written about leadership during the past several decades, and although the initial focus was on the traits that characterized leaders, attention then turned to the specific behaviors exh
The infection prevention and control individual-based system tracer explores a hospitals infection prevention and control processes.
Even before hospitals were established, society "isolated" individuals who had contagious and lethal infections, such as Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and Smallpox.
Bacteria resistance has been becoming a severe problem during past 20 years.More and more infectious diseases caused by multiple-drug pathogens cannot be treated successfully with various antimicrobia
Healthcare-associated infections have become a worldwide problem.However, the reasons for the uneven geographic distribution of infection rates are not fully understood.