Differences in regenerated silk fibroin prepared with different solvent systems:From structures to c

来源 :中国蚕学会第十二届家柞蚕遗传育种与良种繁育学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxrlxggd
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  Dissolution is an important part of silk fibroin(SF)reprocessing,and it is the only way to process it into films,gels,porous scaffold materials,and electrostatic spinning silk fibers.
目前丝素基伤口敷料的研究主要集中于应用静电纺技术制备含功能性物质的理想伤口敷料。添加纳米金属和抗生素等功能成分虽可增强敷料的抗菌性,却引发了细胞毒性与抗药性,威胁生物体安全。基于此,从创造微湿伤口环境、增强抗菌性能、支持细胞生长和刺激伤口愈合4 个方面,综述了近年来国内外通过新型技术、复合多组分材料和功能成分制备丝素基伤口敷料的研究进展;展望了以多组分天然材料为基材,利用新技术制备添加天然抗菌药物
Chitinases(EC,as one kind of glycosyl hydrolase,hydrolyze the β-(1,4)linkages of chitin.According to the sequence similarity,chitinases can be divided into glycoside hydrolase family 18 and
Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites with rigid spore walls that protectagainst various environmental pressures.Despite an extensive description of the spore wall,little isknown regardin
[目的]探讨氟化物对家蚕肠道微生物菌群的影响,开发具有潜在应用价值的益生菌以提高家蚕对氟化物的抗性。[方法]PCR 扩增家蚕肠道内细菌16S rRNA 基因并构建克隆文库;用核糖体DNA 限制性分析(Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis,ARDRA)方法对克隆子进行分型。
Nosema bombycis is an obligate intracellular parasite of the Bombyx mori insect.The spore wall of N.bombycis is composed of an electron-dense proteinaceous outer layer and an electron-transparent chit
从二化性品种获得优质的非滞育蚕卵作为显微注射受体,一直是家蚕转基因技术中亟待解决的问题之一。目前家蚕转基因技术中非滞育蚕卵主要是通过完全低温暗催青、早浸酸2 种方法得到,但这2 种方法分别存在催青时间长、浸酸时间难以把握的局限。对完全低温暗催青技术进行了改进,即在家蚕胚胎发育至温度敏感的缩短期(戊3 期)后再对蚕卵低温黑暗处理直至孵化,结果表明:后期低暗组能有效地获得非滞育蚕卵并且较完全低暗组催青
Vairimorpha sp.BM(2012)is a recent isolate of the microsporidia from the silkworm in Shandong,China.The ultrastructure,tissue pathology and molecular characterization of this isolate is described in t
In this work,an ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for detecting the Pebrine disease related spore wall protein of Nosema bombycis(SWP N.b)was fabricated based on the amplification of hemin/G
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The baculovirus late expression factor 11(LEF-11)has been reported to be involved in viral DNA replication and late/very late gene activation.