Evaluation of urban basic public service satisfaction index in China:An empirical study based on 201

来源 :2013公共政策国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dzbycp2009
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  In order to scientifically evaluate and compare basic public service satisfaction in 32 cities, the paper sets up basic public services satisfaction index system for Chinese cities based on 2012 lien public service quality survey for Chinese cities.We evaluate and analysis present situation and differences of basic public services satisfaction index in 32 cities using Entropy Weighted TOPSIS Method and further classify 32 cities using Hierarchical Cluster Analysis method.The results show that top ranked cities are Xiamen, Qingdao, Ningbo, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Dalian and other eastern coastal cities both on composite satisfaction index ranking and on individual indicator satisfaction index ranking; Ranked cities in the bottom are Lanzhou, Kunming, Nanchang, Harbin, Taiyuan, Guiyang and other mid-west cities.Basic public services satisfaction index of the developed cities in east area is obviously superior to the cities in mid-west areas.32 cities can be categorized into five regions with different ranks by using hierarchical cluster analysis method.The paper finally puts forward reasonable policy proposals to improve basic public service satisfaction index of Chinese city from the perspective of improving the governance structure and effectiveness.
1病例摘要患者男性,36岁,因“体检发现腹部包块,肾功能不全,蛋白尿1 d”于2010-09-26收住肾内科。患者平时无不适症状,体检发现血压偏高,B超提示左肾上极与脾之间有回声增强
生长过旺的果树,往往出现低产或“空怀”,克服“空怀”的方法是: 1.断根 沿树冠垂直线下挖一条60~70厘米深、35~40厘米宽的环沟,切断下层的粗根,露晒5~7天,然后把腐熟的有机肥