A separation defect of tapetum cells and microspore mother cells results in male sterility in Brassi

来源 :中国作物学会油料作物专业委员会第七次会员代表大会暨学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chamcham
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  Male sterility plays an important role component of heterosis utilization in Brassica napus L.The B.napus line,7-7365ABC, is a recessive epistatic genic male sterile (REGMS) three-line system.The phenotype of 7-7365A with two pairs of recessive duplicate male sterile genes (Bnms3 and Bnms4) and one pair of dominant epistatic inhibitor gene (BnRfRf) is male sterility, 7-7365 B with one pair of heterozygous gene BnMs3, only this locus is different from 7-7365A, is male fertility, and 7-7365C with the recessive homozygous genotypes at three loci shows male fertility.Histological studies leading to male sterility, expression regulation pathways and the role of ABA in the anther development of REGMS were reported here.In the male sterile line 7-7365A, tapetum cells and microspore mother cells separation was effected, which leading to failure of microspores release.The activity of polygalacturonase (PG) and the expression of the pectin methylesterase (AT3g06830) gene were significantly down regulated.Nine genes were down regulated in 7-7365A compared with 7-7365B and 7-7365C including tapetum specially expressed A3, A9, Ms1 genes and ABA responding gene Kin1.Exceptionality, gene AT5G09480.1 was down regulated in 7-7365B and 7-7365A compared with 7-7365C.ABA concentration in 7-7365B was significantly higher than that in 7-7365A and 7-7365C, respectively.We proposed that the REGMS is controlled by the main pathway of male sterile metabolism positively regulated by the BnMs3 gene and the supplementary pathway negatively regulated by the BnRf gene.ABA might control the genes expression for cell separation during early anther development in the main pathway.
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一年来,民建中央提交政协九届一次会议的《关于加快发展我国风险投资事业案》,因为被列为大会1号提案而广受瞩目,其后迅速在全国范围内掀起一轮风险投资热: ——1998年4月,5
  Seed colour inheritance in Brassicajuncea was studied in F1, F2 and BC1 populations.Seed colour was found under the control of the maternal genotype and the