Surface Grafting Method for the Improvement of Fouling Resistance on RO Membrane

来源 :2012青岛国际脱盐大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccb332
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Breakthroughs in membrane robustness, in particular improved durability and cleanability would significantly reduce the cost of operation of reverse osmosis (RO)/nanofiltration (NF) in water treatment systems. Nowadays, surface grafting method using novel polymers become more and more important for the improvement of thin film composite membranes. In this presentation, we will discuss several approaches and grafting chemistry which results improved membrane operation in fouling waters (biofilm, oil and soap). In addition, we will also review the effect of surface coating and grafting chemistry on the formation and prevention of biofilms and fouling from oil and soap when it is applied on membrane surface.
Concentrated seawater from low-pressure reverse osmosis (RO) was treated by membrane distillation technology (MD) . Hydrophobic PP hollow fiber was fabricated
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