INGAP Peptide (ExsulinTM) Induces Islet Regeneration: Results from an Ongoing Phase 2 Trial in T1DM

来源 :2011年第一届内分泌与代谢大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bonkoliu
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  INGAP is a member of the Reg family of proteins.It has been implicated in various settings of endogenous pancreatic regeneration, and may also play an important role in maintaining beta cell function.INGAP has been shown to stimulate pancreatic endogenous progenitor cells to differentiate into insulin producing.β-cells in multiple species.INGAP Peptide (ExsulinTM) is the patented synthetic 15 amino acid (108-114) portion of the patented full length INGAP native 175-amino acid protein.Published phase 2 trials of over 200 TI and insulin dependent T2 diabetes showed evidence of neogenesis and improved glycemic control in response to 3 months therapy with INGAP Peptide.A trial of T 1 patients is nearing completion at the Mayo Clinic and McGill University.
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