Cardioprotective effect of coptisine on the myocardial infarction induced by isoproterenol in rats

来源 :第二届世界天然药物和传统药物药理学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanranran
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  AIM Coptisine is an isoquinoline alkaloid extracted from Coptidis Rhizoma.This study aims to elucidate if coptisine is responsible for cardioprotection using myocardial infarction (MI) and investigate its mechanism.METHODS Rats were randomized into 7 groups: normal, isoproterenol (Iso), Iso + fasudil, Iso + isosorbide dinitrate and Iso + coptisine (25, 50, 100 mg· kg-1).Rats pretreated with coptisine for 21 d (ig) and injected subcutaneously with high-dose Iso (85 rag· kg-1) on the 20th, 21st day at an interval of 24 h.Cardiac function and biomarkers of cardiac ischemia were assessed after MI.RESULTS Coptisine has strong antioxidant activity, and it can maintain cell membrane integrity, ameliorate mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction, reduce myocardial cells apoptosis, inhibit RhoA/ROCK expression in experimental MI rats.CONCLUSION The present study provides experimental evidence that coptisine has strong antioxidant activity, and it can maintain cell membrane integrity, ameliorate mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction and improve cardiac systolic/diastolic dysfunction induced by Iso.Inhibition of RhoA/ROCK pathway was involved in coptisine induced cardioprotection effects on experimental MI.Coptisine should be considered as a novel adjunctive therapy for attenuating myocardial damage.
虽然宋江救了我,但我不太喜欢他。他崇尚封建的老一套,他身上具备一些中国人的特质,比如对权威的尊崇,无条件地服从上司和官方的教导    沙博理老先生躺在竹藤椅上耍起了太极,丝毫不受摄像机的影响,其神情活像一个自顾玩耍的孩子。    他大概不愿自己被比作小孩。在电话中他一再强调,采访时间要短点,“我已经93了。”  他的屋子,他的古典家具,泛黄的墙壁,“皱纹”丛生的地板,无一不折射出岁月的痕迹。  “
  AIM Salvianolic acid A (SalA) is one of the main active ingredients of Salvia miltiorrhizae.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of SalA o
根据投资环境的多层次性和评价的模糊性,提出用模糊数学的综合评判法对其进行总体评价,并根据有关调查,对我国投资环境作了实际评估。 According to the multi-level of the in