Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Brominated Flame Retardants in Mangrove Sediments of the Pearl

来源 :The 1st International Workshop on Urbanization in Watersheds | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luan0778
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The Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is a hotspot for brominated flame retardants (BFRs) contamination because of burgeoning electronic/electrical manufacturing industries and intensive e-waste recycling activities in the region.
Yalong River is one of the most important rivers in westem Sichuan province.The land use of watershed is closely related to its ecological environment and water
Due to climate change and unsustainable use of natural water resource,water shortage has become a critical problem throughout the world.Alternative water source
Sediments function as a sink for heavy metals from diverse sources,reflecting the natural soil composition of the surrounding areas,as well as human activities.
The fast urban expansion has lead to changes of natural land cover.These changes affect the structure and function of urban ecosystems.One of the major impacts
Land use patterns can not only reflect the human activities,but also be an important impacting factor of non-point source pollution.Quantitative relationship be
Environmental factors have a substantial effect on non-point source pollution,the relationship between environmental controls and water qualitv (O)rovides impor
Investigating and exploring the relationship between urbanization and environment can help providing insights into the importance of underlying drivers and char
Based on viewpoint of ethnobotany,the relationships of plant resources use in acclimatization,production ways,traditional dwellings,living tools,ethnicmedicines
As cities seek to mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces,they are being drawn to the promise of multi-functional green infrastructur
In the past decades,great concerns have been raised about the potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) on ecosystems.To d