Symmetry and skeleton of spherical monohedral polygonal tilings

来源 :The 12th Meeting of the International Academy of Mathematica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ningyuanhui
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  In supramolecular chemistry,self-assembly of shell(equicentric spherical)structures are found([MacGillivray12],molecular sphere[Chand et al.02]).To study the deformation of such structures,we consider spherical monohedral polygonal tilings and compare the symmetries to the automorphism groups of their skeletons.
  An automorphism of a graph G =(V,E)is a bijective map φ from V to itself such that φ(vi)φ(vj)∈ E(=)vivj∈ E for any two vertices vi and vj of G.Denote b
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