Mechanisms of sequential products synthesis in 2,3-butanediol fed-batch fermentation by Klebsiella p

来源 :The 6th World Bioenergy Symposium(WBS 2012)(第六届国际生物能源会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Wangjun33
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  The sequential synthesis of products, including acetate, 2,3-butanediol (2,3-BD), ethanol, succinate,and lactate, was exhibited during the glucose fed-batch fermentation by Klebsiella pneumoniae CGMCC 1.9131.The dominant flux distribution was shifted from acetate formation to 2,3-BD and ethanol formation in early-exponential growth phase and then to succinate and lactate in the late-stationary phase.To investigate the underlying physiological mechanism of the above observations, the related enzymes were analyzed and metabolic flux profiles were calculated and estimated at the different period.Aeration and pH are the two most important factors which would have influences in the synthesis of products during the fed-batch fermentation.To improve the production of 2,3-BD, it was necessary to analyze the product formation and the related enzymes under different aeration and pH, which would give direction for the optimization.Also the changes of synthesis of products caused by two factors were performed.
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