Studying interconnections between two classes of two-stage fuzzy optimization problems

来源 :第六届中国智能计算大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoxingrobin
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  In this paper,we study two types of risk aversion two-stage fuzzy optimization problems.The first type is called two-stage fuzzy minimum risk problem (FMRP),while the second type is referred to as two-stage fuzzy value-at-risk problem (FVRP).In order to facilitate the solution of the two optimization problems,it is required to study the properties of FMRP and FVRP as well as their relationships.For this purpose,we first discuss the semicontinuity about the recourse function of two-stage FMRP.After that,we discuss the interconnections between optimal objective value of FMRP and that of FVRP,and the relationships between optimal solution of FMRP and that of FVRP.Using the obtained results,it would be possible to solve one two-stage optimization problem indirectly by solving its counterpart.
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