The New Era of Treating Aneurysms Using Flow Diverters

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reaker
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  Objective: To establish the efficacy of flow diverters (Pipeline, Silk, P64, Surpass) in occluding aneurysms and the complications associated with it. Method: Data of 47 patients(8 men,39 women; mean age,64.4 years)between January 2014-May 2016 were collected retrospectively using CRISP software as well as patients clinical case notes.Elective patients were started on Dual antiplatelet therapy(aspirin and clopidogrel),whereas prasugrel(30-60mg)was administered at least two hours pre operatively. Result: Off the 47 patients, 26% of whom had recurrent aneurysms (previous failed surgical/ radiological treatment will be discussed) and 74% had presented to our institution with a new aneurysm that was not treated previously. About 96% of the aneurysms were in the anterior circulation and only 4% was in the posterior circulation. 76% of the patients had a successful complete occlusion on follow up (at 6 and 18 months post operatively); off those, Pipeline, Surpass, P64 achieved 80%, 70%, 75% occlusion rate respectively. Only 2% of the patients had a recurrent aneurysm on follow-up imaging. 15% of the patients had minor adverse event after the procedure, including a groin haematoma.? Conclusion: Flow diverters have revolutionised the manner in which aneurysms are treated by altering the hemodynamics at parent/ aneurysm sac, and as such resulting in gradual thrombosis over time (as opposed to coil embolisation) of the aneurysm sac. Indeed, Flow diverters enable us to manage previously untreated aneurysms safety including wide-neck aneurysms. Further comparative studies of different flow diverters are needed to address the use of flow diverters for other indication. This novel modality in treating aneurysms has reignited the essential need for further research to identify the safest and most effective manner to treat such patients.?
目的 观察肺痿冲剂治疗特发性肺纤维化的临床疗效。 方法 将100例IPF患者按4:1随机分为治疗组80例,对照组20例,两组患者均给予醋酸泼尼松片进行基础治疗,治疗组同时给予肺痿冲剂,对照组给予金水宝胶囊。治疗3月、6月评价两组患者呼吸困难评分、圣乔治评分、肺功能测定、中医证候积分、六分钟步行试验、血气分析。
目的:评价基于模型的迭代重建算法(model-based iterative reconstruction,MBIR,商品名“VEO”)对椎弓根螺钉周围骨质的观察材料及方法:选取7例脊柱侧弯患儿行扩张术后的患儿(年龄5~11y,中位年龄7years),共应用螺钉21枚,(威高公司,U-Pass系统)应用电压140kV,管电流120mA进行螺旋扫描,所得到的原始数据重建为0.625mm的VEO图像作
目的 找出PHILIPS FD20平板式血管机脑血管3D采集中延时时间的确定方法.方法 对脑血管2D DSA采集的图像进行观察评估,选出血管显示最佳或临床医生认为最有诊断价值的一帧图像,利用原机中此帧图像的时间标示值,减去1-1.5秒即为最佳的脑血管3D采集延迟时间.结果 采用此方法共完成脑血管3D采集178例,均取得满意效果.
METHOD AND MATERIALS We retrospectively analyzed the dual-phase contrast enhanced spectral CT images of 65 cases of pathologically confirmed lung invasive adenocarcinoma(IA)diagnosed from 2013 to 2015
目的 探讨选择性动脉栓塞术在医源性出血中的临床应用价值.方法 回顾性分析32例医源性出血,经皮选择性动脉造影,明确出血部位及特点,超选择性介入栓塞止血,栓塞材料选择明胶海绵、线段、弹簧圈及PVA等.结果 32例患者中26例血管造影发现活动性出血征象,主要表现为造影剂外溢,伴有假性动脉瘤6例,伴有动静脉瘘1例,均成功施行介入栓塞止血.仅1例术后8天再次出血行二次栓塞治疗;术后随访1月,25例患者未出
目的 分析流行性腮腺炎、水痘及胃肠道病毒 71 型(EV71)手足口病患儿并发脑膜脑炎的磁共振表现特征,探讨MRI在其诊断中的临床应用价值。方法 回顾性分析2012年8 月~2015年12月期间经临床确诊为流行性腮腺炎(7例)、水痘(8例)及EV71手足口病(13例)并发脑膜脑炎患儿的头颅MRI 资料。结果 腮腺炎合并脑膜脑炎患儿以脑膜受累为主,常见不同程度脑积水。水痘合并脑膜脑炎患儿常见不同程度
目的:观察应用MBIR重建的儿童脊柱低剂量CT的可行性.材料与方法:选择23例6~14岁(11.2±3.3岁)的脊柱骨破坏病例,使用CT设备(GE Healthcare,HD750)进行脊柱CT平扫,扫描条件为:80kV,50mA,0.8s,pitch1.375,重建为0.625mm的MBIR图像,此组病例3~6月前均有常规剂量脊柱CT作为对照组,扫描条件为:120kV,NI=14,mA(10~3